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Making connections…I couldn’t have said it better myself, so here’s Tracy’s post!

Tracy Rittmueller

The first Girl-Scouting Lesson I learned goes like this:

Make new friends, but keep the old.  Some are silver and others are gold. 

I’ve been asking my blogging friends questions all week: “Why am I blogging?”

Now I know that answer–to connect with people.

I can’t imagine remaining motivated or inspired (to write or to live) without my relationships, old and new because 

Everything I know I’ve learned from someone else. 

A new connection happened this week. I blogged (thinking aloud) “And what should I blog?”

The really neat thing about blogging is, it turns friendly eavesdropping readers into people who contribute to the conversation.

Rachael Hanel read my blog, and she commented with the best kind of answer, a question.  “Have you blogged about your path to publication?” (She has to be a teacher!)

So I checked out her blog

(because writers and teachers are among my…

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