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From Season 7, episode 3: Jim Cutler holds "The American Way of Death." From Styleite.com.

From Season 7, episode 3: Jim Cutler holds “The American Way of Death.” From Styleite.com.

Is it just me, or am I detecting a theme in Mad Men‘s final season?

In episode 2, Sally goes to a funeral. Don says to her, “I don’t like you going to funerals.” Too bad, Don! The girl needs to grow up at some point. And when Sally describes how the body’s skin had a yellow tint in the casket, Don says, “I’m sorry to had to see that.”

Don and Sally's diner scene from episode 2, after she attended a funeral.

Don and Sally’s diner scene from episode 2, after she attended a funeral.

In last night’s episode 3, Harry Crane walks into Jim Cutler’s office only to see him holding Jessica Mitford’s The American Way of Death. I’m still trying to figure out the significance, as it seemed like an oddly placed prop that resulted in awkward dialogue.

I’m guessing that we will continue to see more death-related imagery as the season progresses. After all, this final season is itself the death of Mad Men. Perhaps these small hints in each episode are building up to something bigger.

If I missed something death-related in episode 1 of this season, please let me know. Sally and Don’s conversation stood out to me last week, as did the Mitford book in this week’s episode, so now I’m fully aware but any mention in episode 1 escaped my notice.